Technology in our Society

In the past few decades, technology is growing rapidly and the use of technology is also increased drastically. It affects the life of people and changes the way they learn, think, and communicate. It plays a vital role in society. Now it is very tough to imagine life without technology. Both technology and society are co-related, co-dependent, and co-influence with each other. Technology lays an impact on society, including the potential for society to progress or decline in both good and bad manners. 

Our society is shaped by technology, which has both beneficial and harmful consequences. Human societies and technology have grown inextricably linked since technical systems like mobile phones, computers, tv, etc. Are produced by humans and reflect the very basis of the population's needs and lifestyle. Although technology improves the lifestyle of human beings is also a major concern for future generations. 

Nowadays people are excessively using technology, which reduces their physical activities that directly affect their health. Also, due to the excessive use of technology, there are so many cybercrimes happen every day in which someone steals the identity or personal information of the victim, such as UNIQUE ID Number, Debit Card, or Credit Card, and uses it to conduct a crime or perpetrate fraud without our permission. 

Some cybercrimes are- Hacking, Credit or Debit Card Theft, Malware Installation, E-mail Threats, Phishing, Spam, and so on.

Technology has a more positive impact on humans or society as compared to negative. It makes our life easier by providing resources. Here are some changes that technology brings to our lives and made it easier: 

  • Improved Communication
  • Improved Education and Learning Process
  • Mechanized Agriculture
  • Easy to Store and Access Information
  • Location Tracking

As we know, everything on this planet has both advantages and disadvantages. The same goes for technology. It has negative impacts on society which is destroying both society and human beings. Let us see some negative impacts:

  • Increasing Unemployment
  • Growing Pollution
  • Increasing Health and Mental Concerns
  • Increasing Cybercrimes
  • Gaming Addiction
  • Communication Breakdown
  • Defamation of Character 
