The First person from Chakma tribal who raised a voice in UN against Injustice and False Propaganda

Augustina Chakma, is the first person among some men and women from the first Chakma generation in the west who raised a voice at the UN against Injustice and False Propaganda. Which is carried out by the heavily militarized administration in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

She is the best example for all of those so-called educated Chakmas or Jumma parents who failed to raise even one child in the west to speak and raise a voice for indigenous people. Unfortunately, many children growing up in the west do not know their parents' origin and their struggles. She proudly introduced herself as a Chakma girl in the UN. Not only did she introduce herself but also she wore her Chakma Traditional Attires in this chilling winter in NEW YORK. Just to show the world who she is and what her root is.

It's no more a secret that the identity of indigenous tribal communities in CHT is in great danger. No indigenous tribal feel safe among hateful Muslim Bangalis and biased military administration.

The CHT Peace Accord that gave self-autonomous administration to the tribal people of CHT is just merely the paperwork. Today, many indigenous families lost their traditional lands and land rights to the biased authority that's controlled by Bengali Muslims. Indigenous people are just powerless and hopeless about their existence in CHT. In fact, many of them are trying to flee the CHT which is exactly what directly or indirectly Bangladesh Islamic Government Policy wanted.
This is video of her speech.
